I am a little behind with this blog so i do apologise! I am actually in my third week here but I'll go back to the beginning for you all! Ok so after arriving in Dubai and having my first night in my new room I had arranged to meet up with some friends that i had met through the Facebook group who were also new joiners like me. We had a lovely day exploring the Twenty-First Century Tower's pool (this is where my friends live), had lunch at Starbucks on Sheikh Zayed Road and then ended the day doing a shop at the Dubai mall and went to see the glorious fountain display! It was such a great day, everything so new an exciting!
Day 1
Anyway back to Emirates, the first induction day is always on the Sunday after you arrive, dress code is formal attire and pick up from everyones building is at 6.30 so nice and early start! In the induction we go over a little bit about HR recruitment administration, so we submit all our medical information that was required before we came to dubai so vaccination information, dental certificates (the dental OPG x-ray was NOT required so don't bother getting it done in your home country....i'm glad i didn't it saved me a lot of money!) and we also submit the original of the medical forms we submitted to Emirates prior to coming to Dubai along with 2 passport photos i believe.
Day 2 / Day 3
This is the first day you will go to Emirates Headquarters (EGHQ) and you begin your clinic registration, government medicals (chest x-ray, urine sample drug test and HIV blood test) and Haemoglobin blood test. You will also have your ID photo taken so you get to try the uniform shirt and jacket for the first time! Also these ID photos last for 3 years so make sure you look nice as you're stuck with them!! And finally we are distributed with our manuals.
Day 4 / 5
We are now split into our different batches who we will be training with for the next 7 weeks. These two days are just corporate inductions, team building and interpersonal skills and IT lessons and also E-learning sessions (online tests which we have to complete 80% pass mark) from home.
Its the weekend! Finally!! Weekends in dubai are Friday/Saturday. Went out on Thursday night to my favourite place in Dubai - Barasti Beach Club. Its a nightclub at night with a dj set so you can dance in the sand and by day its an awesome beach with huge lounge beds and music playing throughout the day. Also really nice cocktails!
Day 6 (saturday morning)
6.30 pick up to visit the Jumeirah Mosque. All visitors to wear long sleeves, and full length skirts/trousers. We were also provided with scarves to wear on our heads inside the mosque (females only).
After the mosque visit we are free to carry on our weekend, so the girls and I came prepared with bikinis and towels and headed straight to Barasti Beach for the most amazing day of tanning!
Day 7 / Day 8
Further HR talks, Fire talk, accommodation talk, E-learning sessions and welcome to Training!
Day 9
Begin SEP training!