Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Arriving in Dubai!

So i finally have internet in my apartment! I met my flat mate a couple of days ago and she already had it set up so I can use that! Phew! And she is really lovely so thats goooood! Anyway i want to tell you all about my flight over and arriving in Dubai for the very first time!

I'll start from the beginning! I arrived at London heathrow with 3 very heaving check in bags, two hand luggage bags (one for laptop) and also my handbag. I was way over the luggage limit but i thought i'd give it a try and my mum and sister were with me to take anything back with them that was over the weight limit. Got to check in... my check in luggage weighed 64kg!!!!! The limit was 50kg! OH SH*T!  They said i was allowed to have up to 56kg maximum so i went to the side and started unloading a few unnecessary items like a cupcake maker? haha and heaving clothing. I put a few items into my hand luggage too as thought they might not weigh that but no when i went back to check in they did! My other bags were now fine and they went down the chute but then after weighing my hand luggage it was too heavy still! Had to leave behind a few more items :( then I was good to go! Said goodbye to my Mama and sister just before i went through to security. It was teary and i was very sad to leave them,  it all happened so quickly and then i was in departures on the phone to them!! They are coming to visit in April for my birthday so it won't be long before i see them! And its quite likely i'll be on the London flight before then!

Anyway lets get to the flight.. It was delayed by an hour but the time went quickly anyway because i shopped for a watch in duty free and made a few goodbye phone calls! In the Emirates departure lounge i was sat directly opposite the planes nose, I was flying the Airbus A380. My new office. It was absolutely huge I've never flown in anything so big! On board it was super nice! I was in economy and each seat had a pillow, blanket and headphones. The flight was really empty so i spread out across two seats! On the flight the cabin crew didn't know I was a new emirates joiner but the man across from me jut happened to be talking to the steward about the job and joining etc so i chirped up and said this was my first flight to Dubai and my date of joining!! The Air steward immediately welcomed me and informed the other crew and purser so i was given special treatment!! The crew were so friendly always talking to me and checking how i was, then half way through the flight i was taken upstairs to Business class where I had champagne at the bar with cakes and sweets! I then went into the business class galleys with the other crew to sit and chat with them and ate the first class desserts! They were all very friendly, helpful and gave me a lot of advice. When i returned to my seat downstairs one of the cabin crew had left me a little present on my seat! It was a pack of emirates playing cards and a mini emirates cool pack! I think thats going to come in handy at the beach!! After this i watched a film and had a quick nap then i was almost in Dubai!

 Champagne at the bar in business class!

Having a nap on the A380!

At the airport i was greeted by the Marhaba team (which means welcome in Arabic) and they took me to get my luggage and go through security with my visa. I then met Emirates welcome team who gave me my introduction pack and then I was chauffeured to my new accommodation! It was all SO exciting. I live about 15 minutes from the airport and driving along Sheik Zayed Road for the first time (the road that i live on) left me in shock. It was crazy the buildings were so impressive and tall! Just amazing. When I got to my apartment I felt like i was going to explode, it was so awesome!!! Its very modern and huge! And just for two people, i couldn't be any luckier. I will do a post all about it soon with pictures. Left in my new bedroom was a welcome pack will all the basic essentials i will need and a few food items. Emirates are very generous!! After i had settled down a bit from all the excitement of running around my new pad and jumping about on my huge balcony i rearranged my room, started unpacking and went off to sleep. It was a very long day but absolutely fantastic. I think I'm going to like Dubai ;)

Just arrived! New room looking very bare..not for long though!!

Food and essentials pack!

Emirates towels!

Box of goodies

Contents! So much stuff all really useful!


  1. Lovely! Thanks for all the detailed posts. Very good for a new joiner. :)

  2. hi there! do you have to buy mops, buckets, broom to clean the floor and counter tops? are the accommodations clean when you arrive?? hehe

    1. Hey melissalatzel !
      Before you arrive your bedroom will be all cleaned and ready for you with clean bedding and a box with your starter kit in. (see previous post for whats included)

      The cleanliness of the rest of the apartment will depend on your new flatmates!!! Fingers crossed if they are nice they will have cleaned before your arrival! Although i have heard some horror stories!

      I already had a mop and bucket at my flat, not sure if this was provided by Emirates or my flatmate had bought it. Either way, stuff like that is cheap in Dubai so it wont be an issue.

      Hope this helps :)

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